武器術には、大きく分けると刀法・棒術・短刀術があります。刀法では、日子流独自の小太刀を使い、体捌きに重きを置きます。小太刀は刀身が短いため女性や子供にとっても扱いやすく、細かく素早い動きを得意とします。棒術では、定寸の六尺棒を短くした日子流独自の志士棒を使います。志士棒は、打たば太刀 払えば長刀 突かば槍といわれ、棒対棒や棒対刀などの稽古をします。短刀術では、白鞘の短刀を使い、短刀対短刀・短刀対刀の稽古を行います。
日子流体術は、黄金の三角地帯と言われる世界最大の麻薬・覚醒剤密造地帯で戦っているタイ警察麻薬取締部隊、フィリピン国家警察のSWATなどに教えられてきた実戦的な武術です。日本で生まれた日本独自の武術で、古武術といわれる伝統的な各流派や現代武道の実戦的な技術が集約されています。 一見難しそうに感じられますが、女性や子供も含めて、格闘技や武道の経験がない方でも無理なく始められるように稽古内容が組まれています。
Hiko Ryu Taijutsu is based on Japanese Jiu Jitsu and Self-Defense techniques and it also includes sword, long stick and Japanese knife techniques as an absolute martial art which is rooted on the
ancient Samurai fighting style in the battlefield. We have two different main programs, Taijutsu and Weapons.
Taijitsu is an empty-hand combat system for when a Samurai loses his weapons such as spear or katana during a fight. It is an extremely practical method of protecting yourself from possible
dangers in real life even Today. The main practice will be takedown techniques, joint-locks, ground techniques, punches, kicks, blocks, breakfalls and zen meditation to build basic physical
fitness. As you go to higher level, you will start practicing knife-attack, stick-attack and sword-attack defenses.
Weapon techniques can be divided into sword, long stick and Japanese knife techniques. The Hiko-Ryu original sword, "Kodachi" is being used to practice sword techniques, which also focuses on
"Taisabaki Steps", movements to dodge the attacks. Kodachi is easy to handle even for children and women and it is also good for quick movements, because the blade is short. For long stick
practice, we will use Hiko-Ryu original stick, "Shishi-Bo" which is about 5 feet long. With Shishi-Bo, also called 打たば太刀、払えば長刀、突かば槍, we will practice
techniques against sword and long stick. Traditional Japanese knife is being used to practice for knife techniques. we will practice the techniques to fight against knife and sword by the
The techniques of Hiko Ryu Taijitsu has been used for the training of the Philippine National Police SWAT, and the Narcotics Suppression Bureau Royal Thai Police, which fights against one of the
largest drug rings in the world. Originated from Japan, Hiko Ryu Taijitsu is created from the essence of traditional and modern Japanese martial-arts. Our system is very simple. We have designed
the system so that it is easy to learn for both men and women of all ages and physical abilities, even if you don't have any previous martial arts experience.
For the beginner students, our training is similar to a sport based martial art in such that it burns calories, reduces stress, improves your physical strength, flexibility and endurance. For the
intermediate/advanced students we will focus more on learnning techniques as Self-Defense that will work on the street to protect themselves from the real life attacks.
Hiko Ryu Taijutsu promotes and teaches self defense, self control, confidence, humility, diligence and a quest for knowledge.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions !!